A Confluence Of Rivers

by Pastor Mark
November 20, 2014

Grace Works Week 34 Banner

Thank God for a Blessed 20th YAG Retreat

It is with a heart that is truly full that I write and give thanks for a wonderful and blessed time at the 20th YAG Retreat. There are many things that we should give thanks for.

1. Thank God for the gift of His Spirit

At the end of the Retreat, my response was to give thanks to God for giving to us His Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God has made such a tremendous difference in our individual lives and in our church, especially with regards to our oneness.

2. Thank God for the many deep and precious lessons learned

As we studied different aspects of the Spirit of God, it was wonderful to learn deep lessons as to how He would create and develop the unity of the church. Without the work of the Holy Spirit, it would not be possible for us to have this oneness and to develop it further.

3. Thank God for Pastor Charles

This is the 20th YAG Retreat that Pastor has spoken at. We thank God for his commitment to the ministry of the Word through which many lives have been touched and moved. The impact of Pastor’s ministry was greatly felt at the Retreat.

4. Thank God for the YAG committee and those who helped out

I thank God for the Committee and those who assisted along the way…who spared no effort in preparing for this Retreat. Many hours were spent planning and preparing for this special 20th YAG Retreat. I thank God for each one of the Committee Members.

5. Thank God for all who prayed and gave towards the support of the Retreat

The Retreat would not be blessed if not for the many prayers that we lifted before the Lord to bless this Retreat. Thank God for the tremendous support given towards the work of this Retreat

6. Thank God for the Retreat ministry

I thank God for the privilege of being part of the YAG retreat ministry. I thank God for the opportunity to serve in it. It is indeed a real joy to see the Retreat becoming a tremendous source of blessing to the many in our church all these 10 years.

A personal lesson…a confluence of rivers

One lesson that truly challenged me was that oneness was about by being a confluence of rivers. The Lord Jesus taught, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38) The Holy Spirit is likened to a river flowing from deep within the heart of a believer. He can bring about great life…like rivers of living water.

If the Spirit of God is flowing from each one of us like rivers of living water, then as we become united as one, it will be like a confluence of rivers joining together…making a mighty river. The church will truly be one great river in which the Spirit of God is working. There is a great strength in this unity as we seek to minister together for the Lord.

Let’s be challenged to see the Spirit of God working in our lives…that we should no longer be carnally minded but spiritually minded. Let the Spirit of God flow from us as rivers of living water…as a confluence of rivers moving forward united as one for the Lord’s work.

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