For I Am Merciful

by Pastor Mark
March 20, 2015

Grace Works Week 51 Banner

Thank God for another great Family Camp

My heart is full as I look back over the week and I thank God for another blessed Family Camp. It was a great time of worship and fellowship. There is indeed so much for us to give thanks for.

1. Thank God for the ministry of the Word

Without a doubt, the messages of the Family Camp were the highlight of the camp

…especially the evening series on the book of Jeremiah. Thank God for Pastor Charles…for his understanding and spiritual insights of the Word of God, that he is able to open up this book for us. Initially, it seemed daunting to study this prophetic book. But with each night’s message, we saw how the challenging life and ministry of the prophet Jeremiah became relevant and real to our lives too. Thank God for this glorious ministry of the Word.

2. Thank God for the work of the Lord in our lives…to return to Him

The evening messages were sobering and hard hitting but necessary for us to recognise our sinful state, that we may have backslided and in great need to return to Him as Israel was, “Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, “Return, backsliding Israel,” says the Lord. “I will not cause My anger to fall on you. For I am merciful.’ says the Lord: I will not remain angry forever.” (Jeremiah 3:12) How would God work in our lives? Through the Spirit of God, we were convicted of our sins and we repented of them. We sought to return to a renewed relationship with the Lord. The Lord would extend His mercies to us and not cause His anger to fall on us. Thank God for this work of renewal that only He can do in our lives.

3. Thank God for His mercies

The mercy of God was something that Jeremiah would write further about. No matter how badly we backslide or sin, the Lord’s mercies are greater, “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentation 3:22) If not for the Lord’s mercies, we would have been consumed. God in His judgment could easily destroy us because of our sins. But He did not.

We may fail Him but His compassions do not fail us. There are new mercies each morning…specially extended to us. Indeed, God is faithful is giving us His mercies each and every day. He will not run out of mercies. Let us thank God for His mercies and always look to Him for His tender mercies… to cover our sins and backsliding.

4. Thank God for hope in God’s mercies

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him.” (Lamentation 3:24)

Even as we leave camp with a renewed heart, we should also have a great sense of hope. We have the Lord as our portion…He belongs to us. He is our blessing. Even though we may fail and falter again, we can find hope in the blessing of the Lord’s mercies and compassions. Thank God for this tremendous hope in God.

Being a conqueror

We thank God for the example of Jeremiah in being a conqueror …over his sins. We are truly more than conquerors too in facing our sins and challenges. It is through the abundant mercies of God that we can overcome. Let’s be challenged to be more than conquerors in our life and ministry.

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