For I Know Whom I Have Believed

by Pastor Mark
December 13, 2014

Grace Works banner (Week 37)

Thank God for another great Youth Conference

The Youth Conference of 2014 has just ended. Thank God for His blessings once again. We thank God for the many young people who were deeply touched through what they have learned. It was truly the work of God’s grace that the hearts of these brethren were ministered to.

The theme that Pastor Charles chose for this year’s conference was “I know whom I have believed.” This theme was taken from the words of the Apostle Paul, “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” (2 Timothy 1:12) Paul’s word to Timothy was that he knows whom he has believed.  How should we understand his knowledge of the Lord Jesus?

Knowing Christ

The word “know” in Greek is the word “oida”. What kind of knowledge did Paul have? The word “oida” is not just about intellectual knowledge. It is about experiential knowledge. This is the knowledge that comes from experience. Paul had experienced many things in his life. It was through these experiences that he was able to gain knowledge about the Lord Jesus and what He had done for him. His knowledge was not theoretical. It was derived from life’s situations. Through these various experiences, Paul was able to have a deeper knowledge of the Lord Jesus.

Gained from the experience of suffering

One such experience that Paul had was going through suffering. Paul had to encounter all kinds of sufferings. His suffering was because of the gospel. He told Timothy, “Share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of the Lord.” (2 Timothy 1:8) Paul’s ministry was to preach the gospel. But he was often persecuted for his preaching. Yet he was able to suffer according to the power of the Lord. In the midst of all the persecution, the power of the Lord strengthened him to overcome these sufferings.

This experience of the Lord’s power added to Paul’s knowledge of the Lord. It became experiential knowledge to him. It was no longer just about head knowledge but knowledge being applied in the context of life. He was able to experience the power of the Lord in helping him through his sufferings.  Let’s appreciate the knowledge that comes from experience.

“For I know whom I have believed”

It is with this experiential knowledge that we would be able to develop a greater understanding of our faith. There will come greater certainty of faith. Our faith would be that much more certain.

Let’s seek to know Christ even more and to apply our faith in Him. Let’s be challenged to gain more knowledge from life’s circumstances. Let’s be challenged to be so much more certain of our faith in the Lord Jesus.

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