Daily Devotions


Day 33

"The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, And His word was on my tongue." 2 Samuel 23:2

Text: Exodus 4 : 10-12


God had given full and complete answers to every question Moses raised up! Nevertheless, Moses was still diffident! Again he raised up another objection.

“Then Moses said to the Lord,
‘O my Lord, I am not eloquent,
neither before nor since You have spoken
to Your servant; but I am slow of speech
and slow of tongue.'”

Moses felt inadequate to fulfill the task assigned! Would he not need to speak convincingly to the children of Israel? Would he not need to be eloquent in the presence of the Pharaoh? Moses was conscious of his personal lack! There were others who must be more eloquent and thus more suited for the task of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt!


God had answered every single objection Moses had raised up. Once again, the Lord gave another profound and challenging answer to Moses’ objection.

“So the Lord said to him,
‘Who has made man’s mouth?
or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing,
or the blind? Have not I, the Lord?
Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth
and teach you what you shall say.'”

“Who has made man’s mouth?”

Why should Moses be overly concerned about his lack of eloquence? Surely, He who made man’s mouth could rectify any shortcoming felt!

“Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind?”

This was an even more profound thought for Moses to ponder over! From our human perspective, we think terrible thoughts when we consider those who are “physically challenged”. (The former way of describing the above was to call them “handicapped”). Surely, God knows all about Moses and more! There shouldn’t be this worry about the lack of eloquence!

“Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth, and teach you what you shall say.”

The Lord’s promise of His Presence should be Moses’ prime concern! If the Lord is going to be with him in life and ministry, that would be more than sufficient!

God’s challenge to Moses was to put his faith on a limb! He must dare to step out of his fears! If only he would! Nothing is achieved if he were to carry on raising up one objection after another! The process could be endless and futile!