Parenting by the Book

Introduction   Study
Study 4


Text: Deuteronomy 6:20-25
23 July 2001

Dear Parents,

Many parents are flabbergasted and worn out by the endless questions that children raise. Parents must be prepared for this stage of their children’s lives. This is a very important part of their life. They will ask questions, endless questions. They must have answers, or soon they will stop asking questions altogether.

Before too long, children grow up and they do not ask questions as much. They question answers instead. In fact, they question just about everything. Nothing seems to satisfy them. When this stage occurs, it is very difficult to reach children. In fact they are not “children” any more. Yet sadly, neither are they fully grown adults with mature minds!

Children will ask questions, simply because they are children. Different types of questions must be anticipated.

1. Some may be called “factual questions”.
2. Others may be called “interpretive questions”.

There could be other types of questions, but all of them demand answers! Please don’t send the children to Sunday School Teachers, or Pastors. The challenge is for all parents to answer the questions raised by their children!

Sunday School Teachers and Pastors may have the answers. However, the children may not have access to them except over the weekends. Then there is the problem of the fact that Sunday School Teachers and Pastors may be very busy over the weekend.

Questions must be answered. AND parents are to come up with the answers! Sunday School Teachers and Pastors may make some kind of impact on the children. However, parents make the greatest impression on children!

You have access to your children much of the day! Take time to listen to the questions of your children. Take time to come up with good answers for the questions. You could make such a tremendous impact on your children! Your impact could be far greater than any Sunday School Teachers or Pastor could ever make!

Children can be far more spiritually inclined than we imagine. As a child grows older, he becomes more and more deadened by the impact of sin. The best age to reach out to someone with the knowledge of God is when he or she is still young and impressionable. That period will not last very long! Parents must seize every opportunity to reach their children for the Lord. That window period varies a little, from one child to another.

Be challenged to pray for your children. Be deeply concerned that they should know God early in their life. Grow strong in your own daily walk with the Lord.

Pastor Charlie
