Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 32


Text: Proverbs 2:1-4
3 February 2002

Dear Parents,

It is important to do our part as parents. We have to teach our children diligently, wisely and skillfully. However, we all know from experience that there is another important thing to note. The learning process is not complete till it has the other part fulfilled. The pupil must learn.

There must be the teacher with all his skills. There must also be the pupil all eager and ready to learn. Keep praying that these two things will always prevail, or else the learning process will always be hindered severely.

There are a number of key words that you must look out for when you teach your children. Let us look at some of these words. An understanding of them will help you teach better.

1. “Receive…” Proverbs 2:1

Sometimes we are more concerned about teaching than we are conscious of a child’s ability or desire to learn, here represented by the word “receive”. Look out for many clues in your pupil that would indicate that he is really receiving what you are teaching.

These are some of the things you could look out for:-

a) Interest

b) Interaction

c) Raising of questions (not defiantly)

All teachers must know that the teaching process is a humbling one. We can teach as much as the pupil desires to know. Therefore it is important to teach our children how to love knowledge and instruction. Only when they truly desire to receive your instruction that they will benefit much.

2. “Treasure…” Proverbs 2:1

The word “treasure” may not be a word that would describe the learning curve of most children. Take a moment to observe children. See what they treasure. See how they keep the things that they treasure.

You would note that they would hug what they treasure. They would take whatever that object is with them wherever they go. It could be a toy, a blanket etc… but they would never part with that treasure for anything else.

How do we know how well our children are learning from us? Look at the way they treasure the time they spend listening to the knowledge and instruction you can give them. If they treasure what you teach, then you have a good pupil indeed.

Parenting is humbling work. We do not realize how inadequate and limited we are until we realize that our children are difficult to teach. Parenting should drive us to prayer. Is there any other way of bringing up our children properly?

Pastor Charlie
