Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 69


Text: Proverbs 10
20 October 2002

Dear Parents,

One of the most effective techniques used in the Book of Proverbs is the employment of “comparisons and contrasts”. Let us consider this text.

Treasures of wickedness profit nothing,
But righteousness delivers from death.

Proverbs 10:2


There is a lot of wisdom contained in each phrase. We need to analyze each phrase carefully before applying the text.

1. “Treasures of wickedness profit nothing”

Three main thoughts are found in this text:-

a) “Treasures”

There are many who seek “treasures” in life. The modern day word is “wealth”. There is nothing wrong with wealth in itself. We must not condemn wealth outright. Wealth is a blessing from the Lord and ought to be received gratefully.

b) “Treasures of wickedness”

Wealth may be obtained, but must be done legitimately! Illegal wealth is termed “treasures of wickedness”. A person may actually become wealthy and obtain many treasures. However, in the sight of God, those treasures are seen as ill-gotten gains.

c) “Profit nothing”

This phrase is an evaluation of the whole of life. At the end of the day, treasures of wickedness will not profit the individual. The wicked will find out that his treasures do not count as far as eternal values are concerned. He has to give an account of himself before God one day.

2. “Righteousness delivers from death”

Two thoughts stand out from a careful meditation of this text:-

a) “Righteousness”

This word is used in contrast to the word “wickedness”. The righteous may or may not have treasures. However, of this he may be assured, if he is indeed righteous before the Lord. He will receive from the Lord “deliverance”.

b) “Delivers from death”

The wicked often places his life in danger in his pursuit for wealth. The righteous may depend on the Lord to deliver him from death – with special reference to eternity!

Pastor Charlie
