Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 108


Text: Proverbs 14
20 July 2003

Dear Parents,

There is a huge gap between the rich and poor nations of the world. The gap between the rich and the poor seems to be getting bigger with every passing year! What words of advice and instruction does the Bible give on this subject? Let us consider the following thoughts.

The poor man is hated even by his neighbour,
But the rich has many friends.
He who despises his (poor) neighbour sins;
But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.

Proverbs 14:20-21

1. There is no condemnation of the rich

This must be noted. If a person becomes wealthy by legitimate means, he will not receive rebuke or condemnation from God.

2. The lot of the rich

Many admire those who are rich. Thus the rich person seems to be surrounded by many “friends”.

3. The lot of the poor

The poor unfortunately is despised. His neighbours despise him because of his poverty. The despiser of the poor – he has sinned if he looks down on the poor!

4. The rich must exercise mercy towards the poor

There are times when the poor cannot get out of his state of affairs. Perhaps he is ill. Or perhaps he has been laid low by tough economic times.

The rich must not close his heart to the plight of the poor. If he lends a helping hand, he will be blessed by the Lord!

Many of our children have the best things that life can offer. While we do not begrudge their fortune to be surrounded by so much comfort, let us make sure that they do not have hearts that are closed to the plight of the poor.

Caring for the poor is something that can and must be taught. There are many practical ways by which children can be taught how to have a heart of concern for the less fortunate. The following are just three simple ways we can employ:-

1. Teach them how to pray for others.

2. Teach them how to give to help others.

3. Teach them how to feel for others.

Pastor Charlie
