Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 117


Text: Proverbs 14
21 September 2003

Dear Parents,

Wickedness is to be feared! How does a person end up being “wicked”? The seeds of wickedness are usually sown in the hearts at a very young age. Wickedness may be compared to weeds in a beautiful garden. If weeds are not dealt with, they will ruin the most beautiful of gardens!

The wicked is banished in his wickedness,
But the righteous has a refuge in his death.

Proverbs 14:32

“The wicked is banished in his wickedness”
Two thoughts stand out in this text. Let us take time to ponder these thoughts.

1. The wicked are punished in this life

Banishment is a form of punishment. One of the sentences that a king may pronounce in his judgment is “banishment” from his kingdom. The person is denied all rights and privileges of citizenship.

2. The wicked are punished in the hereafter

This thought is also to be found in this text! This is an even more troubling thought. In this case, the Lord Himself is the King who banishes the wicked from His eternal kingdom!

“The righteous has a refuge in his death”
The Lord loves the righteous, as much as He hates the wicked and his deeds! As much as He determines to banish the wicked from His kingdom, He makes provision for the righteous.

The most comforting thought is found in this text! The righteous will always be sure of two things.

1. The righteous will find God as a wonderful refuge in life

God will always be just a prayer away! He will always be there for the righteous. They will know how to find God.

2. The righteous are assured of God as their eternal refuge

Ultimately all die. What happens at death? As surely as the wicked are banished from God’s sight, the righteous are assured that they will find an eternal refuge in their death!

Let us always be reminded of this great truth! Ultimately, “eternity” is involved! Let us never focus only on the here and now.

Pastor Charlie
