Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 124


Text: Proverbs 15
9 November 2003

Dear Parents,

It is possible to see our children attend church and still see them learn the wrong things. No, we are not talking about the Sunday School teachers we have. We are confident that they are doing their best to impart knowledge of the Lord to our children. However, we must not take for granted that what is taught is necessarily what is learnt!

Moses was one of the foremost teachers of God’s Word for all time! It was not his fault, if the children of Israel learned the wrong things. The thought process of a child makes him interpret and see things quite differently at times! It is thus of great importance that we check what our children are actually learning.

In any doctrine, there would always be at least two main aspects to be carefully considered.

1. The External Aspect

This is not unimportant. The physical and outward expressions are not without significance. They are great vehicles that communicate wonderful symbolic truths. Going to Church, giving an offering, prayer etc are all visible forms!

2. The Spiritual Aspect

This is the more difficult part to teach. It is important that we make every effort to impart great spiritual truths as we guide our children to walk in the ways of God. We have to guide our children with reference to appreciation of the spiritual (and eternal) dimensions.

Let us take time to ponder over the following text that deals with the subject of giving.

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD,
But the prayer of the upright is His delight.

Proverbs 15:8

The offering of an animal as a sacrifice is an external act! If this act is seen only from the outside, the sacrifice would seem acceptable. However, there is another dimension – the spiritual. We learn that God does not delight in the mere physical features of worship. He desires a person to live an upright life. This person, even if he offers nothing more than just a simple prayer to God, that prayer is a delight to God!

Let us remember to teach both the external and the spiritual aspects of every doctrine we seek to impart to our children. Their appreciation of their faith in God would be that much more enriched as a result. Even more, the Lord would delight in them.

Pastor Charlie
