Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 196


Text: Proverbs 18
27 March 2005

Dear Parents,

But of course we want our children to grow up knowledgeable and wise. But how may we help them? Let us ponder these words from the Biblical text.

The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

Proverbs 18:15

Advice on the subject of wisdom will appear time and again. The main bulk of teaching on this subject may be found in the first nine chapters of Proverbs. We need only to highlight this text that was meant to serve as a reminder.

1. Knowledge has to be acquired

Knowledge does not come “naturally.” It has to be acquired! And only the prudent person will acquire the knowledge he needs to live successfully and meaningfully.

2. Knowledge has to be sought

How we wish that all the knowledge we desire could be found in just one book. But it isn’t. The wise person knows that only too well! He knows that if he were to gain deep knowledge of anything at all, he would have to “seek knowledge” (Proverbs 4).

3. The hope of acquisition of knowledge

It is vital that we believe that we will be able to acquire knowledge! If we think that knowledge is absolutely too elusive, then we will not try very hard at all. It is possible to acquire much knowledge and wisdom, if we seek diligently.

The ways of the world are markedly different. Bribes are handed out as a means of getting things done.

A man’s gift makes room for him,
And brings him before great men.
The first one to plead his cause seems right,
Until his neighbour comes and examines him.

Proverb 18:16-17

1. Temporary advantage

Bribes may help a person to obtain an audience with “great men.” The cause may be presented with some measure of success. However, that advantage may be very short-lived.

2. Cross-examination

Under further examination, the cause may be lost! Wisdom is still far better!

Pastor Charlie
