Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 197


Text: Proverbs 18
3 April 2005

Dear Parents,

Contentions in life will come! They must not be overlooked and dismissed. The challenge is to know how we can help our children deal with contentions early in life. This is one of those skills of life that would prove most helpful at any stage of life.

Let us take time to ponder what the Scriptures teach concerning the issue of how to resolve contentions.

Casting lots causes contentions to cease,
And keeps the mighty apart.
A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city
And contentions are like bars of a castle.

Proverbs 18:18-19

1. “Casting lots”

This ancient practice has more in-depth value than most appreciate.

a) The casting of lots is deemed a fair practice.

Problems are not resolved by might! Instead, problems are resolved in other ways that would be fair, particular to the weaker ones.

b) The casting of lots has a spiritual dimension.

The casting of lots involves the priests who represent the Lord. He will be there to help the quarreling factions to resolve their conflicts by explaining to them how ultimately God is the one who decides on the results!

2. “A brother offended”

The matter of resolving conflicts is given priority. If a brother is offended along the way, it might be very hard to win him back! Prudence suggests that one should resolve conflicts as soon as possible!

3. “Bars of a castle”

How forbidding this imagery is. The idea conveyed is very powerful! Contentions finally end up imprisoning people! How important it is that we learn to resolve contentions before they get out of hand.

We are surely reminded of the writings of the apostle John. He advocated the way of love! This is the way that he learned from his Master, the Lord Jesus Christ! John and his brothers were called “sons of thunder” once. The Lord transformed them by His love!

Pastor Charlie
