Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 198


Text: Proverbs 18
10 April 2005

Dear Parents,

Once again we have a solemn reminder that we must take great care when we use our tongue.

A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from
the fruit of his mouth:
From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:20-21

Let us consider the power of the tongue described in this text!

1. “The fruit of his mouth”

We have an interesting imagery here. Fruit (or “food”) will fill the stomach. In this particular text, it is not physical fruit that will fill the stomach but the “fruit of (the) mouth.”

The mouth is compared to a harvest field. If the mouth has sown good seed, then it will produce a good harvest. He would then be filled with “the produce of his lips.” Such is the potential of a good mouth.

2. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”

This imagery is even more striking and powerful. Let us examine how the tongue can affect both life and death.

a) Death in the power of the tongue

If a person were to give false and incriminating information, he could send a person to death by his false testimony! That is a frightening thought indeed!

b) Life in the power of the tongue

On the other hand, the individual could use his tongue wisely and well. He could speak words of truth and help a person find vindication! The innocent accused would then be set free and his life would be redeemed from certain death! Yes, the tongue is a powerful member of the body!

The challenge is obvious. One must learn to love using the tongue as it was meant to be used. If a person would end up loving truth and then use his tongue well to contend for the truth, he would “eat of its fruit” in abundance. Let us be challenged to teach our children how to use their tongues well!

Pastor Charlie
