Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 173


Text: Proverbs 17
17 October 2004

Dear Parents,

The use of striking imagery in the book of Proverbs must be appreciated. We have an excellent example in the following text.

Excellent speech is not becoming to a fool,
Much less lying lips to a prince.

Proverbs 17:7

That is most striking, is it not? What lessons may we learn from this imagery?

1. The historical reference to “princes”

a) Reference to the royal family

The writer was making a reference to those born in the royal family.

b) Glimpses of the training of princes

We have a glimpse of how princes were groomed. Two things are highlighted in this text:-

i) Excellent speech

Princes are trained to speak in such a way, that people would know that they were indeed princes. They would be known by their speech! Fools would never be able to speak like princes. They would not be interested in learning about the finer things of life.

ii) Lying lips

The problem of lying is once again highlighted. This time it is in the context of the upbringing of princes! Excellent speech and lying are now contrasted with each other! One precludes the other!

2. Borrowing the imagery of “the prince”

Have you thought about how we may train our children so well that they would hold them own in any society? Our children may not, technically speaking, be princes. However, we need not think that they are but vulgar children either.

We should bring up our children on the highest set of ideals ever. Concentration on “excellent speech” rather than “lying lips” would be a good place to start!

Royal families know the importance of bringing up their children well! From a very young age, children from the royal family receive special grooming. They are being trained in this manner because their parents believe that they are destined for greater things. What a lofty concept! Let us also believe that our children are destined for greater things. May their good upbringing be seen as our highest endeavour!

Pastor Charlie
