Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 180


Text: Proverbs 17
5 December 2004

Dear Parents,

One of the things that we must teach our children to appreciate is the gift of friends. Children make friends naturally. Unfortunately, true and great friendships are not formed easily. They are far rarer than most imagine.

Children are not discerning when it comes to making friends. They do not know how to evaluate the worth of their friends either. Wisdom admonishes us to guide and teach our children the right lessons about friendship.

A friend loves at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity.

Proverbs 17:17

1. “Love”

This word used in the context of friendship does not have sexual connotation. This word is used in a “fraternal sense.” True friends love each other! This word “love” may be seen as a foundation for the development of a strong friendship.

2. “At all times”

How does one know and prove the love of a “friend.” A person may profess friendship, but words may not mean very much in reality. The acid test may be found in the phrase “at all times.” Friends who are true are never fair-weathered ones. They will remain steadfast in loyalty “at all times.” There will be good times, but there will also be bad times. The test of a true friend is whether he goes the distance!

3. “A brother”

The word “fraternal” is derived from the word “brother.” A true friend is in fact “a brother.”

4. “Born for adversity”

When siblings are born, the family expects that they will stick with each other. Should there be adversity in life, the siblings will stay by each other and ride out the storms of life together!

The true friend is just like this! He was born for adversity! Sometimes, siblings fall out with each other. But true friends are loyal to each other and their friendship is sometimes even stronger than that of those who share a common family blood.

Obviously, such friends do not grow on trees. Let us teach our children how to cultivate good friendships! Teach children how to be true friends – first!

Pastor Charlie
