Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 184


Text: Proverbs 17
2 January 2005

Dear Parents,

How our children grow up will depend much on how we bring them up. Physical care is important. But there are other aspects that we need to consider as well.

A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones.

Proverbs 17:22

1. Disposition of our children

Children can grow up with a sunny disposition! On the other hand they can also end up with a sour one! Dispositions are things children catch and develop from their parents and from life’s environment.

2. “A merry heart”

It would be great if we can work at helping our children grow up with “a merry heart.” This phrase describes a person who has developed a happy or sunny disposition.

The blessings are many and obvious when this disposition is well and carefully developed! As medicine does good for the body, so a merry heart blesses the individual most significantly.

The word “heart” symbolizes the whole person! The focus is obviously not on the physical but the deeper aspect of the individual.

3. “A broken spirit”

In direct contrast we have the description of another type of disposition. It is a person who has a melancholic spirit. The word “spirit” in this text is used as a synonym of the word “heart.” The focus is on the inner being of the individual!

The word “broken” is carefully chosen. Chairs that are broken have to be repaired. Utensils that are broken may have to be discarded! The idea of “a broken spirit” describes a defeated person. His spirit is so broken that he has no courage or strength to deal with the issues of life! The idea of how a broken spirit can affect a person adversely may be seen in the following texts.

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression…

Proverbs 12:25

… by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Proverbs 15:13

How may our children cultivate “a merry heart?” One of the ways we can help our children is to give them very strong and positive encouragement. When children learn how to look at life from a sunny and positive angle, they will pick up the threads that will help them cultivate for themselves a happy disposition towards life.

Pastor Charlie
