Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 216


Text: Proverbs 19
14 August 2005

Dear Parents,

There is much debate as to how children ought to be brought up. There are essentially two camps. There are those who do not advocate any form of chastening. There are those who believe that children must be chastened. It is impossible to sit on the fence on this particular issue. The Scriptures are quite clear and specific concerning the subject of chastening.

Chasten your son while there is hope,
And do not set your heart on his destruction.

Proverbs 19:18

1. What chastening is not!

a) Chastening should not be confused with destruction!

b) Chastening is always meant to be constructive in every sense of the word!

c) If chastening ends up in destruction, then the idea of chastening has been misunderstood completely.

2. What chastening is

a) It is the moral duty of parents to chasten their children appropriately.

b) The word “chasten” has the idea of “correction”.

c) Where children go wrong, they must be corrected!

3. When and how should chastening take place?

a) When there is still “hope”

i) When children will still listen.

ii) When children will still respond to correction.

iii) The best time would be the “plastic years” when children are still malleable

b) Chastening must be administered with great love

i) With the love a father/mother feels for his child.

ii) With firmness that comes from understanding.

iii) With hope in the heart that the child would respond appropriately.

Pastor Charlie
