Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 221


Text: Proverbs 19
18 September 2005

Dear Parents,

Once again, we come across a theme that runs across the book of Proverbs. It is interesting to note once again the mention of the phrase, “the fear of the LORD.”

The fear of the LORD leads to life,
And he who has it will abide in satisfaction;
He will not be visited by evil.

Proverbs 19:23

1. The Different Mentions of this theme in the Book of Proverbs

a) As a reminder

It would seem that the “random and scattered” references to “the fear of the LORD” in the Book of Proverbs was not without purpose! It was put there as a reminder that one must indeed cultivate and practise the fear of the Lord!

b) Providing insights

Each mention of “the fear of the Lord” provides valuable insight into this phrase. This phrase contains such a rich content that it cannot be exhausted even after many mentions!

2. Rich New Thoughts

a) “The fear of the LORD leads to life”

Indeed, “the fear of the LORD” leads to life! Two aspects are often highlighted!

i) Prolongation of life

ii) Quality of life

b) “He who has it will abide in satisfaction”

One of the most wonderful things to experience in life must be found in the word “satisfaction”. Not very many people may be described as “satisfied” with their lot in life. Many are actually quite unhappy all the time. They are restless and they try and find satisfaction but are often not able to do that! The person who fears the Lord however is blessed with “satisfaction”.

c) “He will not be visited by evil”

What a glorious blessing this is! How wonderful it would be if we are not tempted by evil! How would this blessing come about? This blessing will come when we truly possess the fear of the Lord!

Let us be deeply challenged to encourage our children to walk in the fear of the Lord all their life! This will be the greatest thing we can do for our children!

Pastor Charlie
