Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 224


Text: Proverbs 19
9 October 2005

Dear Parents,

One of the more important lessons that we must ever seek to teach our children is how they must give proper regard to their parents. The following text offers vital insight as to the significance of this aspect of bringing up children.

He who mistreats his father and chases away his mother
Is a son who causes shame and brings reproach.

Proverbs 19:26

1. Mistreatment of Parents

Can children actually grow up mistreating their parents? The sad but honest answer is “Yes”! How may this condition come about?

a) When children are not taught how to respect and honour their parents

Children must be taught how to have high regard for their parents! It is not true that children will automatically have good respect for their parents!

b) When children are taught how to disregard their parents

This unfortunate situation can come about when husbands and wives are estranged! One parent may teach the children how to disregard the other parent! At all times, this approach backfires!

c) When children are not chastened when they do wrong

Children tend to misbehave at times. Sometimes their playfulness can be excessive. They can end up hitting their parents, or scolding them… and they are not corrected! When children are not chastened when they do wrong to their parents, they could well end up chasing their parents away in their old age!

2. Grave consequences will befall children who mistreat their parents

Two things are highlighted in the above text. (They are by no means the only bad things that could result!)

a) Shame

People who dishonour their parents would bring shame to themselves!

b) Reproach

They would invite criticism and reproach from all who come to know the shameful circumstances of mistreatment of parents!

Let every effort be made to teach children how to have a high regard for parents!

Pastor Charlie
