Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 230


Text: Proverbs 20
20 November 2005

Dear Parents,

How we wish that our children were diligent and industrious! Yet, the sad fact is that we find ourselves battling the problem of laziness again and again.

The lazy man will not plow because of winter;
He will beg during harvest and have nothing.

Proverbs 20:4

1. Laziness never quite leaves a person

Children may appear diligent when they are young. But all too soon, whispers of a lazy spirit begin to suggest themselves! No parents must let down his guard against the problem of laziness!

2. Laziness can strike at any age

Laziness can hit a person at any age. No age is “safe” from attacks of laziness.

3. A lazy person will come and give all kinds of excuses

a) Reference to “winter”

The word “winter” is simply a reference to “coldness.” The lazy man will complain that it is just too cold to go out and do any plowing.

b) Bottom line

“He will not plow…” this is the bottom line! He will come up with excuse after excuse, because the thought of the hard work associated with plowing causes him to curl up and sleep!

4. The consequences of laziness

Cause and effect- that is a universal principle of life that one has to accept!

a) Where there has been no plowing, there will be no harvest!

b) Where there is no harvest, one is reduced to begging to stay alive!

Laziness must be battled – throughout life. Children need to be taught how to battle laziness. Young people must be encouraged to battle laziness. Adults must not let their guards down, or soon laziness will gain the upper hand!

The battle against laziness is one we can win! We may count on the Lord’s grace and strength to be given to us when we seek Him in humble prayer!

Pastor Charlie
