Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 253


Text: Proverbs 21
30 April 2006

Dear Parents,

These words are probably familiar to you. It is a saying that is quoted from time to time,

“Power corrupts,
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Acton

There is some truth in this saying. One must indeed guard the heart and mind carefully so that power (or anything else) would not have that corrupting influence.

The Scriptures teach us that the human heart is anything but good (Psalm 14). This less than perfect world will always be in need of rulers. The following text is a humbling one for rulers to ponder over.

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD,
Like the rivers of the water;
He turns it wherever He wishes.

Proverbs 21:1

1. The hand of the Lord

Kings like to feel that they are in absolute control. This text teaches otherwise. Even the mightiest king is in the hand of the Lord.

2. The course of rivers

Who determines the course of rivers? The river does not determine its own course. It is the Lord who determines the course of each river.

a) Length of the course

The length of the course of the river is determined by the Lord, and not the river.

b) Size of the river

This too is not determined by the river, but by the Lord.

c) Strength and depth of the river

These, like the above, are not determined by the river. All are determined by the Lord!

d) Will a river run dry?

The river cannot determine if a severe drought would cause it to run dry. How humbling these thoughts are.

How important it is that we teach our children how to be humble in life.

Pastor Charlie
