Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 255


Text: Proverbs 21
14 May 2006

Dear Parents,

Let us always seek to teach our children how to desire to do that which is good and right in God’s eyes. Let us take time to ponder the following text:-

To do righteousness and justice
Is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifices.

Proverbs 21:3

1. The worship system of ancient Israel

God graciously and personally gave Israel an excellent worship system. Through that worship system, the nation could learn the following things:-

a) The nation could express their faith in God.

b) The nation could offer wonderful worship.

c) One of the special ways of honouring God was to offer “sacrifices”.

2. The degeneration of the human heart

Sadly, Israel began to degenerate. The nation ended up with the following:-

a) Formal ceremonies of worship

b) Devoid of spiritual significance

c) A dead relationship with God

3. Worship and Life

Israel had forgotten the most basic of lessons, unfortunately. God was not looking for beautiful expressions of worship as He was looking for worshippers whose lives were marked by the following:-

a) Righteousness

b) Justice

There is nothing wrong with formal worship. But if worship is to be acceptable to God, the worshipper must be careful to “do righteousness and justice”. Worship and life are closely linked to each other. Let us teach our children how to worship and how to live righteously.

Pastor Charlie
