Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 260


Text: Proverbs 23
18 June 2006

Dear Parents,

Wealth is also another common topic that Proverbs treats. We have another interesting observation in the following text.

Do not overwork to be rich;
Because of your own understanding, cease!
Will you set your eyes on that which is not?
For riches certainly make themselves wings;
They fly away like an eagle toward heaven.

Proverbs 23:4-5

It is good and wise to teach children how to have a proper regard to “riches” while they are still young. Perhaps through this deep insight they would not be so deeply hurt by the foolish pursuit of wealth.

The following may be emphasized as we train our children how to regard wealth:-

1. The problem of overworking just to be rich

As parents, we will have to really practise this truth before we can teach it effectively. We are often guilty of “overworking to be rich.”

2. Personal understanding versus Biblical teaching

If we are honest with ourselves, we sometimes adopt personal secular understanding when it comes to the subject of money-making. For example, some would react adversely to the recommendation that we should not be “overworking to be rich”. We could come up with all kinds of “reasons” (“excuses”) to justify overworking. Yet the challenge is very clear. We are to cease from such ways of reasoning!

3. Setting eyes on “that which is not”

Wealth may appear to be “permanent”. Yet the reality is well described in this text. It is “that which is not”. The intended meaning is clear.

4. “Riches certainly make themselves wings”

This phrase explains things even more clearly. Riches have wings. They may be compared to the wings of the eagle. Riches can fly out of reach easily. It is far more elusive than we may care to admit.

How should we apply these lessons? We will have to examine our hearts carefully and rectify what is amiss, before we can teach these vital lessons with any great impact.

Pastor Charlie
