Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 273


Text: Proverbs 24
17 September 2006

Dear Parents,

The spirit of the rebel has always existed. Oftentimes, the spirit of rebellion has brought much bloodshed and suffering. The following text gives us firm warning concerning those who incite rebellion.

My son, fear the LORD and the king;
Do not associate with those given to change;
For their calamity will rise suddenly
And who knows the ruin those two can bring?

Proverbs 24:21-22

1. Reference to “the king”

We need to have a Biblical view of “the king”. Romans 13:1-7 touch on this subject most clearly. The view of the apostle Paul is that the king, or “the governing authorities” are to be respected as “appointed by God” (Romans 13:1). They are to be given due respect (Romans 13:7).

2. Reference to the LORD

There must of course be the “fear of the Lord”. This fear is linked very closely to the king in this text. (There is absolute agreement of this text with Romans 13:1-7.)

3. Danger to those who resort to rebellion

The word “change” may seem to be innocuous. It may even be regarded as “a good thing”. A careful reading of the text would suggest that “change” be read in a negative light for the following reasons:-

a) Calamity – their end

If this calamity is from the Lord and the king, then without a doubt, their course of action must be wicked.

b) Ruin – the consequences

If “ruin” is brought about by the Lord then one can be sure that “those given to change” must have had evil designs.

4. “Do not associate”

This is good advice indeed. Rebels can be very skilled in persuading people to support their cause. However, wisdom must be applied to see through the deception that the rebels will attempt to perpetrate.

We need to teach our children, from a very young age, to have a good and high regard for the governing authorities. They are indeed appointed by the Lord.

Pastor Charlie
