Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 277


Text: Proverbs 24
13 October 2006

Dear Parents,


Laziness as a concept is not as startling as when it is evidenced in real life. Let us ponder the following candid text.

I went by the field of the lazy man,
And by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding;
And there it was, all overgrown with thorns;
Its surface was covered with nettles;
Its stone wall was broken down.

Proverbs 24:30-31

In order to understand this text better, we may ask ourselves the following questions.

1. How did this man come to have these possessions in the first place?

The answer probably lies in the word “inheritance”. A rich and doting father may bequeath his hard-earned wealth to his son.

2. How may we assess the worth of this inheritance?

a) There is the mention of a “field”.

b) There is also the mention of a “vineyard”.

c) There is also the mention of a “stone wall”.

These features would tell us that once upon a time, the vineyard had been well-kept. It is likely that the vineyard was very successful. The former owner had looked even into the detail of security of the vineyard. He had erected a stone wall to protect the vine from would-be thieves. This wall also provided protection from little foxes.

3. How did this inheritance fall into such a state of disrepair?

a) The present owner was described as “a lazy man”.

b) He was also described as “a man devoid of understanding”.

The above text illustrates very clearly the dangers that laziness can cause. What a great waste of a good inheritance! What a terrible insult to the memory of the giver! What a bad name the son has now obtained! He has ruined his inheritance terribly. Laziness was his undoing. How we must teach our children the virtue of being hardworking.

Pastor Charlie
