Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 281


Text: Proverbs 25
12 November 2006

Dear Parents,

Proverbs 25 has a number of sayings that have direct bearing on kings. King Hezekiah was one of the better kings of Judah. That he was indeed a better king is well-expressed in the way he commissioned some of his men to collect the proverbs of his ancestor, King Solomon. A good king is easily recognizable. He will always be searching for knowledge and wisdom so that he might improve himself as a ruler of his people.

No king is so wise that he can do without his counselors. No king is so strong that he would not be influenced (for the better or for the worse). The following text challenges rulers to be very careful about their friendships and relationships.

Take away the dross from silver,
And it will go to the silversmith for jewelry.
Take away the wicked from before the king,
And his throne will be established in righteousness.

Proverbs 25:4-5

1. Dross

Dross is essentially scum that is formed by the process of oxidation. Silver will be tarnished by dross. It is then unfit for use.

2. Removal of dross

One does not throw away the silver when it is affected by dross. One deals with the problem of dross. When dross is removed, the silver can still be used by the silversmith to make fine jewelry.

3. The wicked are like dross

The comparison is obvious. The wicked are like dross. They will tarnish the good name of the ruler. The wicked must be dealt with. They must be summarily dismissed from their office. They must not be allowed access to the king or they can wreak great havoc on the kingdom.

Every ruler wishes that his kingdom would be established. Some kings think, or they have been advised (and badly) that the way to establishing a kingdom is through war. This line of thought sometimes lures kings to be deeply engaged in warfare.

The wise king is one who recognizes that his kingdom is best established through righteousness. He would do well to surround himself with good and righteous counselors, even as he dismisses wicked ones.

Pastor Charlie
