Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 291


Text: Proverbs 25
21 January 2007

Dear Parents,

Sometimes, we are way too trusting. And because of this, we run the danger of placing our confidence wrongly. It is good that we learn vital lessons about how to guard ourselves against trusting people foolishly.

Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble
Is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint.

Proverbs 25:19

What are some crucial lessons we must learn from this text?

1. It is vital that we recognize that there are some who are “unfaithful”

a) They cannot be trusted.

b) They cannot keep faith.

c) They will let you down.

2. Placing confidence in an unfaithful man

a) In ordinary circumstances

We may assume that a person is essentially trustworthy! However, the ordinary circumstances in life may not reveal a person’s true worth.

b) In time of trouble

It is only in difficult times that we will actually see the true character of a person. The true worth of a friend or neighbour would then surface.

c) Powerful imagery

i) The imagery of a bad tooth

One may not know that a tooth is bad (not initially). The tooth may even look and feel healthy. That the tooth is “bad” would only be seen when sharp pain is experienced.

ii) The imagery of a foot out of joint

This is an even more striking imagery. This one extends the idea of pain even further. To have a foot out of joint is excruciatingly painful, to say the least.

It is wise to know who may or may not be fully trusted.

Pastor Charlie
