Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 292


Text: Proverbs 25
28 January 2007

Dear Parents,

It is a sad fact that many have heavy hearts. So many things can cause a person to have a heavy heart. From the immediate context, we can single out some of the things that can cause heavy-heartedness.

1. When we have bad encounters with neighbours.

2. When we experience pain in the heart because so-called friends let us down.

3. When the wounds of life cut deeply and the pain refuses to go away.

These are but some of the things that can cause the heart to be heavy. Many other things can cause deep pain.

It is not easy to minister to people with heavy hearts. The following text reveals this sobering truth.

Like one who takes away a garment in cold weather,
And like vinegar in soda,
Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.

Proverbs 25:20

How does this text apply to our children? Let us teach our children the following lessons:-

1. Sensitivity

It is good to teach our children to be sensitive to the different needs of their friends. They must learn about different types of pain. There is a pain that is only felt momentarily. There is another type of pain that is deep-seated.

2. Solutions not easily available

Sometimes children think that anything and everything can be fixed easily. They need to have this viewpoint adjusted.

a) The singing of happy songs

That will not necessarily bring about happiness to a heavy heart.

b) Sometimes a wrong approach will bring even greater agitation to the heart that is already deeply troubled.

It is good to teach our children how to be both sensitive and sensible.

Pastor Charlie
