Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 302


Text: Proverbs 26
8 April 2007

Dear Parents,

Let us take a closer look at the proverbial statements concerning “the fool”. For easier comprehension, we will delineate the statements:-

1. A rod for a fool

This is the sad conclusion of this proverb. A fool can only learn when he has a rod applied on his back.

A whip for a horse,
A bridle for a donkey,
And a rod for the fool’s back.

Proverbs 26:3

a) In ancient days

i) Whip for a horse

This was the standard way in which a horse is trained to obey instructions.

ii) Bridle for a donkey

The donkey is so set in its stubborn ways, that only a painful bridle can make it obey instructions.

b) Comparison

The fool cannot be reasoned with! He cannot obey instructions unless he is “whipped” or “bridled”!

c) A sad picture

This may be a startling and sad picture. Yet, criminology seems to bear out the solemn truth that the fool cannot be easily taught.

2. The concept behind the word “fool”

Lest there be any misunderstanding, it is worthwhile at this juncture to define what the Bible means when it describes “a fool”.

a) It does not describe a person of low intelligence.

b) It describes a person who is morally “a fool”.

i) He is bent on doing his own thing.

ii) He is bent on doing evil despite knowing the consequences of choosing wickedness.

Pastor Charlie
