Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 310


Text: Proverbs 26
3 June 2007

Dear Parents,

The problem of meddling into other people’s affairs is an age-old one. The following comment is an interesting one.

He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own
Is like one who takes a dog by the ears.

Proverbs 26:17

1. Quarrels

a) These can occur at any time.

b) These can turn out to be nasty things.

2. A quick look at the nature of quarrels

a) There is often a trigger factor.

b) But there are often deeper issues.

c) Most of the “deeper issues” are often unresolved difficulties.

3. A passerby

a) He may feel that he could give good advice.

b) He may even feel obligated to help resolve problems.

c) However, the chances are that he would not know the deeper issues.

4. Evaluation of attempt to help resolve problems

a) The advice is… he should not meddle!

b) He could get himself hurt along the way!

c) The illustration of grabbing a dog by its ears is well taken.

i) The dog would naturally resist.

ii) The dog would even bite the person who tries to grab it by its ears.

Pastor Charlie
