Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 316


Text: Proverbs 27
15 July 2007

Dear Parents,

This is an age where wrath is displayed at many levels, and in many different environments. New forms of wrath keep appearing.

1. We now have “road rage”.

2. And “air rage” too.

3. And the latest seems to be “roid rage” (rage associated with ingesting steroids).

We have an interesting glimpse of “wrath” in the following text.

A stone is heavy and sand is weighty,
But a fool’s wrath is heavier than both.
Wrath is cruel and anger a torrent,
But who is able to stand before jealousy?

Proverbs 27:3-4

1. Heaviness of wrath

a) It is difficult to carry heavy objects.

b) Heavy things can weigh a person down badly.

c) Wrath is heavy indeed!

i) It is a dead weight on the person who is angry.

ii) It is always heavy on the objects of wrath.

2. Other dimensions of wrath

a) Wrath that comes from jealousy is most difficult to deal with.

b) Wrath can cause people to be very cruel.

c) Wrath is like a torrent… it cannot be stopped easily.

Let us recognize the dangers associated with wrath. Let us seek to deal with wrath at its roots! Wrath serves no one any good.

Pastor Charlie
