Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 332


Text: Proverbs 27
4 November 2007

Dear Parents,

How dangerous is the problem of “folly”? (This topic has been touched upon numerous times in the book of Proverbs!) The following text reveals an aspect of foolishness that underscores the danger.

Though you grind a fool in a mortar with a pestle
along with crushed grain,
Yet his foolishness will not depart from him.

Proverbs 27:22

1. The imagery of mortar and pestle

a) Old fashioned way of crushing grain

The mortar and pestle were used to crush grain in ancient days.

b) Separation of the grain from the husk

The kernel and the husk are difficult to separate.

i) The pestle is used to pound the husk from the edible grain.

ii) A lot of hard work and strength must be exerted.

2. Foolishness compared

a) Foolishness is difficult to remove.

b) Harsh dealings may not be sufficient.

c) Even if a fool experiences much pain and suffering (the pounding of the pestle) his foolishness will not be easily removed!

We will need to review all that we have learned from the Book of Proverbs (and elsewhere in the Scriptures) to find a permanent solution. However, the following may be highlighted:-

1. It will take nothing less than the wisdom of God to battle and replace foolishness.

2. It will require the effort of the individual to seek after wisdom and reject foolishness (Proverbs 1-2).

3. Wisdom must be sought from the Lord in humble prayer (James 1:5-7).

Pastor Charlie
