Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 340


Text: Proverbs 28
30 December 2007

Dear Parents,

Wise is the parent who notes the growth of his children! What are some of the things that a parent must note? Let’s ponder this text carefully.

Whoever keeps the law is a discerning son,
But a companion of gluttons shames his father.

Proverbs 28:7

The following things are good and worthwhile to note as we watch over the growth of our children:-

1. Spiritual dimension

That spiritual growth is intimated may be found in the phrase “whoever keeps the law”.

a) How are our children with reference to their knowledge of the Word of God?

b) How are they with reference to keeping the law of God?

2. Intellectual and moral dimensions

These two areas are connected. If the intellect is not closely connected to the moral aspect, little will come out of academic knowledge of God’s laws!

a) Do our children have a discerning mind?

b) Do our children have a strong inclination to knowledge and discernment of spiritual truths?

3. The social dimension

The social dimension must not be dismissed easily. The author is concerned about the kind of “companions” a person has.

a) A companion of gluttons

i) Those who belong to this category may well be prodigal children.

ii) The danger of keeping such company is obvious!

b) Ultimately… shame to the family

Sad consequences are obvious if a child is not guided to love the Lord and His word! Let us instruct our children so that they love keeping God’s laws!

Pastor Charlie
