Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 349


Text: Proverbs 28
2 March 2008

Dear Parents,

It is good and right to teach our children to be helpful! However, this does not mean that they lack discernment. Ponder this challenging proverb!

A man burdened with bloodshed will flee into a pit;
Let no one help him.

Proverbs 28:17

Is there a time when we do not extend help? Let us consider the following thoughts:-

1. “A man burdened with bloodshed”

a) This man is a murderer.

b) He is a hardened murderer.

c) He is well-described as “a man burdened with bloodshed”.

i) It is normal for a person to have a burden on his back (e.g. his workload).

ii) The murderer’s burden… is the amount of blood he has shed!

2. Fleeing from justice

a) The murderer would of course be running away from justice.

b) In his flight, he may well fall into a pit!

3. What should be done to a murderer who has fallen into a pit?

a) Should help be rendered without discrimination?

b) The advice here is straightforward… “Let no one help him”.

c) What does this phrase mean?

i) The wisest thing to do would be to contact the authorities!

ii) Let the arm of the law help!

It would be unwise to render help personally. You might well be the next victim otherwise.

Pastor Charlie
