Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 351


Text: Proverbs 28

Dear Parents


Who does not want to succeed in life? Nobody wants to fail! Success and failure are thoughts that can be worrying to the individual. Let us encourage our children through the wisdom found in this proverb.

“He who tills the land will have plenty of bread,
But he who follows frivolity will have poverty enough!”
Proverbs 28:19

1. The illustration of a farmer

a) This is just an illustration

The path to success encompasses more than just tilling the ground

b)Tilling of the land

i) This represents hard work

ii) Diligence and perseverance are also in mind

c) Results

i) Hard, diligent and persevering work pays off

i) The farmer is rewarded with “plenty of bread” (i.e. success)

2. The illustration of a person who shuns hard work

a) He is frivolous in his attitude

b) He chooses to have fun rather than work

c) The conclusion is obvious

i) He will have poverty

ii) “Poverty enough” (This means deep and obvious poverty)

Let us ever always remind our children that they are two paths of life. One leads to success and the other to poverty!

Pastor Charlie
