Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 377


Text: Proverbs 29
14 September 2008

Dear Parents,

We need to guide our children concerning the friendship they cultivate. A friendship may start off innocently enough, but a bad friendship can have disastrous consequences!

Whoever is a partner of a thief hates his own life;
He swears to tell the truth, but reveals nothing.

Proverbs 29:2

1. Partner of a thief

a) It may start as a simple and innocent friendship.

b) In time this friendship becomes “a partnership”.

c) Wrongdoing will ultimately hurt this friendship deeply.

2. The consequences

a) The thief puts his life at risk each time he steals.

b) He could be caught (the risk of getting caught is very high).

c) Ancient justice was severely meted out against thieves.

d) Collaborators (friends/partners) would also be punished even if they did not personally involve themselves in stealing.

e) The person who is such a partner of a thief is described as one who hates his life.

3. The changes that take place when associated with wrongdoers

a) The individual learns the ways of the wrongdoers.

b) They know how to manipulate the truth.

c) They promise to tell the truth but in fact tell lies.

d) If no outright lies are told, they also do not reveal (or speak that which is true).

Pastor Charlie
