Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 378


Text: Proverbs 29
21 September 2008

Dear Parents,

This seems a straightforward subject, but in reality it is not. The following text is most revealing.

Many seek the ruler’s favour,
But justice for man comes from the LORD.

Proverbs 29:26

1. Provision for justice to be upheld

a) In ancient days, the ruler is the one who is supposed to uphold justice.

b) The rulers of ancient Israel were guided by Biblical laws.

c) There were clear judicial principles that represented the highest moral ideals.

2. The sad reality

a) Rulers were corruptible (and corrupted).

b) People sought their favours (with the right bribe).

c) Justice was often not upheld.

d) The poor were the ones who suffered ultimately.

3. Divine Justice

a) This is held out as the ultimate justice.

b) A person may be able to get away with misdeed because he has the support of the ruler but in the long run, he will be dealt with by the Lord.

c) Divine justice is to be trusted in.

d) God will be there for the down-trodden and the oppressed.

Let us ever seek to cultivate within the hearts of our children a love for justice! If a child starts to respect law and order, he will grow up loving justice! Let us ever point our children to love the Law of God.

Pastor Charlie
