Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 384


Text: Proverbs 30
2 November 2008

Dear Parents,

To malign a person is always wrong! Yet, many cannot overcome this problem. Sometimes excuses are made, especially when it comes to the matter of maligning servants! Let us ponder the following text prayerfully.

Do not malign a servant to his master;
Lest he curse you, and you be found guilty.

Proverbs 30:10

1. “Do not malign a servant to his master”

a) Some people think that it is fair game to malign a servant.

b) The form of maligning may be the lodging of complaints (false charges).

c) Servants are often despised and people feel that they “safe” when maligning servants.

2. “Lest he curse you”

a) A servant would not immediately do a counter-attack.

b) He knows that his role as a servant is already to his disadvantage.

c) He would tolerate as much abuse as he can take it.

d) However, if he feels absolutely cornered he might well retaliate.

e) The idea of cursing

i) It make take the form of answering back.

ii) It may take the form of a fierce counter attack (verbal).

iii) The servant is not necessarily a fool and thus he can answer for himself intelligently.

3. “And you be found guilty”

a) The servant might be proven to have told the truth.

b) He might expose the maligner for the wicked person that he is!

Pastor Charlie
