Parenting by the Book

Proverbs   Study
Study 394


Text: Proverbs 30
11 January 2009

Dear Parents,

Throughout the book of Proverbs, the virtues of wisdom are praised! This emphasis is something that is wholesome and necessary. Wisdom may even be found in little creatures (Proverbs 30:24-28).

Whereas wisdom is a virtue that seems “obvious” there is another feature that deserves mention, indeed emphasis! Let us ponder the following statement on the subject of “stateliness.” This may be described as the way we carry ourselves.

There are three things which are majestic in pace,
Yes, four things which are stately in walk.

Proverbs 30:29

1. “Majestic in pace”

This describes the way a person carries himself. A majestic pace is something that is to be greatly desired indeed.

2. “Stately in walk”

Majesty is well expressed in the way a person walks. The person with a great sense of majesty is truly “stately in walk.”

Let us look at the examples the writer brought out:-

A lion, which is mighty among beasts
And does not turn away from any;
A greyhound,
A male goat also,
And a king whose troops are with him.

Proverbs 30:30-31

1. The lion

He is majestic in that he does not “turn away” from any foe. He shows his might by having the courage to face any enemy.

2. The greyhound

The Hebrew text does not indicate clearly what this creature stands for.

3. The male goat

These are stately in the way they hold themselves. The male goat stands majestically in the high hills, unperturbed by the high altitude and the difficult terrain.

4. The king whose troops are behind him

The picture portrayed is that of a king who is ready for battle. He is calm and collected although he is aware that a battle looms ahead of him. His quiet confidence is boosted by the fact that he is assured that his troop would fight with him loyally.

It is good to train our children to appreciate “stateliness” or “majesty”.

Pastor Charlie
