11 December 2013

"No One Like-Minded"

Message Notes


1. The Upward Call

2. According to my earnest expectation and hope

3. Let this mind be in you


1. The example of young Timothy Philippians 2:19-24

a) He was like-minded with reference to Paul

b) High commendation indeed

2. The significance of an Example

a) That it is possible to live well for the Lord

b) That it is possible to do this even when one is younger

3. Features of like-mindedness

a) Sincerely care Philippians 2:20

b) Seeking the things which are of Christ Philippians 2:21

c) Proven character Philippians 2:22a

d) As a son with his father Philippians 2:22b

e) He served with me in the gospel Philippians 2:22c


1. The example of Epaphroditus Philippians 2:25-30

a) Brother Philippians 2:25

b) Fellow-worker Philippians 2:25

c) Fellow-soldier Philippians 2:25

d) Your messenger (literally “sent one” or “apostle”) Philippians 2:25

e) The one who ministered to my need Philippians 2:25

2. Further glimpses of the character of Epaphroditus

a) He was seriously ill while ministering to Paul Philippians 2:26-27

b) He was distressed that his friends heard that he was ill Philippians 2:26

c) He came close to death for the work of Christ Philippians 2:30


1. Becoming an Outstanding Example

a) Heart stirred

b) Mind challenged

c) Soul desirous of responding to God’s Upward Call

2. How does one become an Outstanding Example?

a) Timothy (younger)

i) Father-son relationship with Paul

ii) Being discipled by Paul

iii) Character

iv) Upward Call of God

b) Epaphroditus (older)

i) Faith in the Lord Jesus

ii) Friendship

iii) Faithfulness

iv) Upward Call of God

3. Appreciating God’s Call

a) He calls Philippians 3:14

b) He begins a deep work in us Philippians 1:6

c) He continues to work till His work is done Philippians 1:6

d) He works within us both to will and to do Philippians 2:13

4. Confidence in Consecration

a) God Himself will work within our hearts

i) Commencement

ii) To will

iii) To do

iv) Completion

b) Great examples

i) Paul

ii) Timothy

iii) Epaphroditus