by Pastor Mitch
March 10, 2013

The Place Of The Written Word In The Life And Ministry Of Our Lord Jesus

The written word of God played a pre-eminent and inextricable role in the life of the Lord Jesus. It enabled Him to have a strong and steadfast faith. When the evil one started a campaign of temptation against Him, it was the written word that stood Him in good stead.

“But He answered and said, ‘It is written'”
Matthew 4:4

The Lord Jesus had memorized, meditated and internalized the written word of God. He had the highest regard for the Holy Scriptures and personified it in every aspect of life and ministry so much so that it became a powerful defence against the evil one. Whenever Satan tempted Him, His answers were from the Scriptures. Before He quoted the Bible verse to refute the wiles of the evil one, He would powerfully say, “It is written …” which means “It stands written”. As these words from the Scriptures were written years ago and they stood then, today, they continue to stand. The written word had a deep impact and effect on His life and He continued to be guided by it. He did not give in to the natural needs of His flesh but saw how it was more crucial to feed and live each day by every word that proceeded from the mouth of God. God’s written word enabled Jesus to be strong in the face of the attacks of Satan. Young people, is the word of God also playing a pre-eminent and inextricable role in our life and ministry? Let’s take time to memorize and internalize His word.

The Lord’s Constant Defence Against The Evil One With The Written Word

“Jesus said to him, ‘It is written again'” 
Matthew 4:7

“Then Jesus said to him, ‘Away with you, Satan! For it is written'” 
Matthew 4:10

The Lord Jesus did not just defend Himself from an occasional temptation of the evil one. He was tempted by Satan for the forty days and nights when He was in the wilderness. Each temptation that was hurled was defended with a strong rebuttal from the Holy Scriptures. The evil one was audacious enough to even use the Holy Scriptures against the Lord Jesus. Of course, Satan’s usage of Scripture is always out of context and misapplied. The Lord Jesus again and again would uncompromisingly defend Himself with the right application of the written word. He would logically and accurately reason and refute from it. He defended Himself with great authority with the everlasting truths of God. The truths of God are our spiritual girdle and our sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:1417). Young people, let’s also learn to relentlessly defend ourselves with the truth of God’s word against the attacks of the evil one. Let’s take time to attend Family camp that we may start to learn to do this.

The Power Of The Spirit In The Lord Jesus’ Ministry

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” 
Matthew 4:1

“Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.” 
Luke 4:14-15

The Lord Jesus defeated the evil one and returned in the power of the Spirit of God. It was the Spirit who led Him into the wilderness and He continued to do so. As He prayed and focused on the written word of God, the Spirit of God empowered Him. When the Lord Jesus started His ministry and began to preach the gospel, thousands were drawn to Him. They heard Him speak and He was glorified by all. There was tremendous power in the Lord’s ministry. Young people, we too can find this power in life and ministry. Let’s, like our Lord Jesus, seek to let God’s word be so much more a part of our lives. Let’s seek to be led and empowered by the Spirit of God.

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