by Pastor Mitch
April 27, 2008

Laboring Hard In The Ministry

We all know that it is vital for Christians to share the gospel. We also understand that it will take effort on our part to be a good witness for the Lord. At the same time, there are also personal responsibilities to fulfill in life, either as a student or a worker. How do we balance both? How much effort are we willing to put in to fulfilling our incumbent responsibilities in life and still be a good witness of the Lord? For Paul and team, they were willing to work extra hard.

“For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil; for laboring night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, we preached to you the gospel of God.” 
1 Thessalonians 2:9

Paul reminded the Thessalonian Church of how he and his team labored before them. They wanted to make sure that they were not a burden to the Church. As such, they toiled hard in order to support themselves and to still find the time to preach the gospel. They were willing to work hard day and night so that they could minister well. Young people, are we also willing to toil so that we could both be a good student or worker and still be able to serve the Lord and share the gospel well? Let’s be challenged by the example of Paul and his team in laboring hard.

Doing Whatever It Takes To Succeed

“You are witnesses, and God also, how devoutly and justly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe” 
1 Thessalonians 2:10

How badly do we want to succeed in ministering to people? For Paul and team, nothing less than their very best would do. There were three things that they sought to do.

1. Being Devout

Paul and team had a deep sense of devotion to God. They sought to live in a pious and holy manner. The people could see how devoted they were to God.

2. Being Just

They also sought to live righteously. They made sure that they were just in all that they did. They did not do anything in a wrong and unfair manner.

3. Being Blameless

They made sure that they lived lives which people could not accord blame. They were blameless in the way they conducted themselves and they made an impact on the Thessalonians. Young people, let’s also spare no effort in doing the Lord’s work. Let’s seek to be blameless in all that we do even as we seek to bear witness.

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