The Profundity Of God’s Love

by Pastor Mark
April 02, 2015

Grace Works Week 53 Banner

The demonstration of love

As we prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter, we focus our thoughts on love. Love is part and parcel in the life of a man. We experience love in our families, friends and in a general way. When our first Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, passed on, love for him was demonstrated by his family and his fellow countrymen. Many went to great lengths to show their respect and love for him. But how far can our human love go? Would we be able to go to the fullest extent of love by giving our life for another? Let us consider the limitations of our human love.

The limitations of human love

We recognise that human love can go so far and no more. There is a limitation to human love. When it comes to the giving of one’s life, our love becomes limited. Paul wrote, “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.” (Rom 5:6)

Would we be willing to give up our life for another? It is understandable for us to want to give our life for a loved one in the family. But what about dying for a good friend? Fewer would want to do so. Would we die for a righteous man? Many people lined up to pay their last respects to Mr Lee, and others stood in the rain to bid him farewell for what he did for us as a good first Prime Minister. But what about dying for him? There may be a few who would be willing to give of their life for him. But what Paul wrote is true – that it is indeed rare for a man to die for another…even for a good man. This is a limitation to human love.

The profound demonstration of love

What about dying for those who are evil and wicked? That would be unthinkable. Why would we want to “waste” our life…our love on someone who is evil? Yet God chose to demonstrate His love towards us. We were sinners…full of wickedness and evil. Yet God showed His own divine love…a profound kind of love, by sending Christ to die for our sins.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8)

The word “for” in Greek is the word “huper” which means “on behalf of.” As sinners, we had the death sentence on our head. God would need to judge us with death for all our sins. But Christ on our behalf took our place and died on the cross. He died for us, who were the ungodly. (Rom 5:6) It is truly something illogical by human reasoning. Yet the Lord did it for our sake. Let us appreciate the profound love of God demonstrated in seeing Christ die for us.

Responding to the love of God

How should we respond to this profound love of God?

1. Let us stand in awe of the love of God that passes all understanding

2. Let us deepen our love and appreciation for the Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for us

3. Let us find a great sense of hope in the love of God for our life and future.

May we always deepen our understanding of the love of God manifested by the Lord’s dying on the cross!

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