31 August 2009


Text: Numbers 21:1-3; Ecclesiastes 5; Matthew 5:33-37

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Prayer Meeting 2009

Message Notes


1. Context

a) The attack of the Canaanite king Arad Numbers 21:1a

b) The defeat of Israel Numbers 21:1b

2. The Vow of Israel

a) To destroy the enemies

b) If God were to enable them to defeat the Canaanite army led by king Arad

3. God’s Response

a) Enablement- in response to a vow where God’s name has been invoked

b) Conquest of the Canaanites under king Arad


1. What is a vow?

a) It involves invoking the name of God

b) It involves a solemn oath

2. What is the significance of making a vow?

a) The person who vows must keep the oath made

b) There is hidden danger in invoking God’s name in a vow

i) God’s name may be taken in vain

ii) The vow may be broken

iii) The person who breaks his vow is adjudged guilty

iv) Punitive action may be taken

3. Wisdom concerning vow making Ecclesiastes 5

a) Prudence strongly recommended Ecclesiastes 5:1a

i) Better to hear Ecclesiastes 5:1b

ii) Than to speak out of turn

b) Forewarning about “The sacrifice of fools” Ecclesiastes 5:1c
This kind of sacrifice is “evil” Ecclesiastes 5:1d

c) Words

i) Rashness Ecclesiastes 5:2a

ii) Hastiness Ecclesiastes 5:2b

iii) Many words Ecclesiastes 5:3

d) Words (Vows) can lead to sin Ecclesiastes 5:6a

e) Words in a vow cannot be easily retracted and declared “erroneous” Ecclesiastes 5:6b

f) Broken words (vows) can make God angry Ecclesiastes 5:6c

g) The works of our hands can be destroyed Ecclesiastes 5:6d

h) Many words can be nothing more than “vanity” (empty words) Ecclesiastes 5:7


1. Do not swear at all Matthew 5:33

2. Be people who honour words spoken Matthew 5:37

3. Beware the danger of making spurious vows Matthew 5:34-36