
by Pastor Mark
November 28, 2015

Grace Works Week 87 Banner

A special name

In the account of angel Gabriel’s appearance to Joseph, the gospel writer Matthew wrote of the fulfillment of a Messianic prophecy from Isaiah, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” (Matt 1:23)

The prophecy involved a special name of Christ which is “Immanuel”. How should we understand the name “Immanuel”? The name “Immanuel” is translated as “God with us.” What a very special name this is! What does it mean for God to be with us?

The profound significance of the name “Immanuel”

In the Old Testament, God is seen as the Sovereign King of all and as the One who is lofty and high above.

But the Lord Jesus would be the divine God walking on this earth. God would be walking in the midst of mankind. He manifested Himself to the people that they may see who God really was…as the Son of God.

This is something most unprecedented. In the Old Testament, God’s presence was often manifested by the Angel of the Lord…the pre-incarnate form of the Lord Jesus. The presence of God was also manifested by the Ark of the Lord and a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar fire by night.

But Jesus would be God in the flesh and He would be with man…walking alongside to fulfill His role here on this earth. This is truly a profound thought for us to consider.

The sign of the virgin birth as proof

But how certain are we of this truth concerning Immanuel? In order to clearly prove that Jesus was truly God with us, a sign was given, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son,…” (Matt 1:23) This was the sign of the virgin birth.

It was something that was seemingly impossible. But God would do the impossible by helping Mary conceive through the Holy Spirit. This virgin birth would indicate that this Child is the Messiah. He is Immanuel…God with us.

Beholding the Lord this Christmas

This Christmas, we should truly seek to behold the Lord Jesus. “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son,…” (Matt 1:23) The word “behold” means to see and to stand in awe of the person. The Lord Jesus is someone that we should not just take for granted each Christmas. We should behold in amazement who the Lord Jesus is.

The Lord is called Immanuel…the divine God who was with man in the flesh…walking in their midst. He was born of a virgin as a special sign to prove who Christ really is. He is indeed the Son of God and He is truly with us. Let us be encouraged by God’s wonderful presence.

Let us be challenged to stand and behold all that the Lord Jesus is and has done for us this Christmas…He is God with us.

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