Daily Devotions


Day 96

"Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace."

Text: Ephesians 2:15



Paul’s theological thoughts were very rich. He was right to say that his thoughts were “revelation” given to him by the Lord Himself (Cf. Ephesians 3:3). How else can anyone account for the deep and complex ideas that are found in his writings?


The imagery used by Paul is not difficult to fathom. However, it must be said that in all imageries, rich ideas may be found. An example may be found in the phrase, “one new man”.

1. Switching from one imagery to another

Paul used the idea of a “middle wall of separation” very effectively. He wrote about how that wall had to be destroyed and abolished. This was done by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself “in the flesh”.

What imagery should Paul use now? Interestingly, he abandoned the imagery of a “wall”. Instead, he chose a completely new imagery. The contrast is most startling and very effective as well.

2. “One new man”

How did Paul change the imagery to “one new man”? Let us consider the following thoughts:-

a) The thought of Jesus as Creator

Paul portrayed Jesus as creating a new entity. What stood out in the creation account (Cf. Genesis 1-2) was the creation of man. It is not difficult to move from the thought of Christ as Creator to the creation of a new entity.

b) Significant Choice of words – “One new man”

Paul’s use of words is most insightful. A number of things were probably in Paul’s mind.

i) The adjective “new”

The adjective “new” (“kainos”) is often used when one wants to describe the creation of a new product from an old existing form. This was a most appropriate word to employ here. The old entities were re-created into something entirely “new”.

ii) The idea of “man” as a class

This is a fascinating choice of imagery. The word “man” (“anthropos”) may be used to distinguish man as a class distinct from other species. Paul could therefore be seeking to convey the idea that the Lord was creating a whole class of people called “Christians” who form a distinct group of redeemed people. In this new creation of His, the old barriers that separated people from each other no longer existed.

iii) The distinctive idea of “oneness”

This is a powerful truth that bears deep meditation. The ancient hymn, “In Christ, there is no east nor west” well highlights the greatness and beauty of this new work of creation of the Lord. Oneness gloriously illustrates the purpose and results God intended through the atoning death of Christ Jesus.