Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 69

"If the world hates you."

Text: 1 John 3:13


Some believers found it very hard to comprehend that the world can be so hostile. The Apostle John addressed this issue here.

“Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you.”
1 John 3:13

1. “Do not marvel”

a) What does the word “marvel” mean?
i) To be astonished.
ii) To be very surprised.
iii) Sometimes it includes being perturbed.
b) “Do not marvel”
i) There were believers who were perturbed by the hostility they experience.
ii) John urged them not to be overly upset when they face hostility.

2. “If the world hates you”

a) The world has its own ideas.
b) It seeks to impose its ideas on everyone in the world.
c) If believers do not subscribe to the ideas of the world they must expect hostility.
d) Hatred is one of the means employed by the world.
i) The world seeks to intimidate.
ii) It seeks to make even believers comply with its norms.
iii) They will exert tremendous pressure on those who seek to follow the Lord instead.

3. “My brethren”

a) This was written to bring some encouragement.
b) We are not alone when we face the hostility of the world.
c) We are “brethren”
i) Of the Lord
ii) And to each other.
d) We must count it our joy and privilege to suffer for the Lord (Acts 5:41).
e) Let us find fresh courage and strength to walk by faith.