“Who May Abide In Your Tabernacle”

by Pastor Mark
January 28, 2016

Grace Works Week 96 Banner

Thank God for our first YAG meeting

It is indeed great that YAG has begun. Thank God for all who were there last Saturday and I hope that it was a good time of worshipping, learning and fellowshipping for all.

In our study of faith, we learnt about the kind of worship that Abel gave to God that was pleasing to Him. His offering was accepted as it was given by faith and that Abel’s life was righteous. Let us consider our own lifestyle as we seek to approach God.

Approaching God

It is our great privilege as believers to approach God. He calls out to us to come near to Him. This honour is specially extended to all.

Yet we often take for granted this special access that we have to Him. We often take a “casual” approach to coming to God which reflects an improper regard for Him.

David wrote of how he sought to approach God and what his understanding was concerning those who could come into the presence of the Lord.

The presence of God

“Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” (Ps 15:1)

David was conscious of the presence of the Lord. His references to the Lord’s tabernacle and His holy hill were not physical. It was meant to be symbolic of the presence of the Lord. David had a strong desire for the presence of the Lord.

The pleasing of the Lord

But who may truly abide in the presence of the Lord? He is one that must live a life that is pleasing to Him. What would that person be like? David gave a description as to what that man should be like…what he should do or shouldn’t do.

  1. His lifestyle will be lived in uprightness. (Ps 15:2)
  2. The works that he does will be righteous. (Ps 15:2)
  3. He speaks truth and nothing that is evil   (Ps 15:2-3)
  4. He regards people (both good and evil) appropriately. (Ps 15:4)
  5. He keeps to his vows. (Ps 15:5)

God would be pleased with such a man. He is seeking to live his life in faith and honor of the Lord…to please Him.

What about us? Do our lives match up to these qualities of a person who pleases the Lord? Let us seek to check our lives according to his characteristics. If there are areas that are still lacking in our lives, let us be challenged to cleanse ourselves of our sins. Let us be encouraged to grow our faith and to live in greater righteousness.

Challenge to live a righteous life

Let us be challenged to properly approach the presence of God by living our life righteously that we may truly be pleasing before Him as we seek to worship and honor Him.

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