Only Believe

by Pastor Mark
September 10, 2015

Grace Works Week 76 Banner

Celebrating Bethel’s 21st Anniversary

Today is a special day for our brethren at Bethel as they celebrate their church’s 21st Anniversary. It has been a wonderful time fellowshipping with the brethren here concerning what the Lord is doing in Bethel and in our IPC churches. Our hearts are warmed as we speak of the goodness of the Lord and His blessings.

Setting the focus

On Monday night, Bethel had their ACM. Pastor Charles was chairing the meeting and the other pastors were there to observe. One thing that Pastor set as the focus for Bethel as we celebrate their anniversary was faith. The theme for our anniversary is “Great Faith”. The focus on faith is vital for our brethren here. Pastor sought to share about the encounter that Jesus had with Jairus and how He challenged him to ‘only believe.” Let me highlight some thoughts that I have gained from what Pastor taught.

The challenge to find a greater faith

  1. We cannot find a greater faith if we are not following the Lord

Pastor had been teaching the brethren in Bethel about following the Lord and about becoming fishers of men. The next challenge for them is to have a greater faith. But this faith cannot be found unless we have been seeking to follow the Lord. Unless, we are seeking to be His disciple first and walking in His ways, it is hard to find this faith. It is in the midst of serving the Lord by being His fisher of men that we can discover this greater faith. Let us seek to follow the Lord Jesus and be His disciple first.

  1. We cannot overcome our fears if we do not apply our faith

“Do not be afraid; only believe.” (Mark 5:36)

Jairus had just been told that her daughter was dead. His greatest fear for her daughter had been realised. But Jesus immediately challenged him not to be afraid but to “only believe”. These words were said in the imperative. It was a command given to apply his faith. There was a strong need for Jarius to use his volition to apply his faith…to only believe and overcome whatever fears he may have had concerning the situation at hand. His faith should not fail his loved one…his daughter. Jarius did not fail. Let us be challenged to overcome our fears by applying our faith.

  1. We cannot be examples of faith if we do not become inspired to have faith

The Lord’s words “Only believe” was inspiring to Jairus. No one had said such words to him before. It would become a boost to his faith. He was inspired to apply his faith in the midst of this challenging situation. Only when we are inspired to have faith that we can become examples of faith to others. Because Jairus was inspired to have faith, the gospel writer Mark used him as an example of faith. Let us be challenged to be inspired to have faith that we may be an example of faith to others.

  1. We cannot have fulness of faith if we do not cultivate a personal and relevant faith

The Lord Jesus had fullness of faith. He was able to heal the daughter of Jairus through His faith in God. This fulness of faith is something that we should strive for. This comes through seeking to make our faith not just theoretical but personal and relevant to our life and ministry. It is in the context of life’s circumstances that we are able to apply our faith. Let us be challenged to make our faith personal and real. Let us be challenged as individuals and as a church seek to develop a greater level of faith…to not be fearful but to “only believe” in facing the difficulties of life and ministry.

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