Daily Devotions


Day 13

"Who once was unprofitable to you..."

Text: Philemon 11


The story of our redemption may be experienced by many people in different circumstances. But there is a feature that is unmistakably clear! The following text highlights this glorious truth!

“Who once was unprofitable to you,
but now is profitable to you and to me.”
Philemon 11

1. “Who once was unprofitable to you”

a) The reasons may not be stated but they are obvious.
b) In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians the following things written are applicable here:
i) Dead in trespasses and sins Ephesians 2:1
ii) Once walked in the course of this world Ephesians 2:2
iii) Sons of disobedience Ephesians 2:2
iv) By nature the children of wrath Ephesians 2:3
c) The above four descriptions would apply to Onesimus directly.
i) He was a runaway slave from Philemon.
ii) He ended up in jail in Rome where he met the Apostle Paul.
d) He was truly “unprofitable” in his unregenerate state.

2. “But now is profitable”

a) Onesimus had come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) He had endeared himself to Paul and was now regarded as a spiritual son.
c) The following features of a truly converted person applies to Onesimus.
i) Made alive in Christ Ephesians 2:5
ii) Saved by the exceeding riches of God’s grace Ephesians 2:5, 7-8
iii) God’s workmanship Ephesians 2:10
iv) Reconciled Ephesians 2:16
d) Onesimus was no longer an unprofitable runaway slave.

3. “Profitable to you and to me”

a) Onesimus was now of worth and of value to Philemon.
b) He was now profitable even to the Apostle Paul.
c) The redemptive work of God in the life of Onesimus made all the difference.